Notice: We do not provide training for individuals that are not directed for training through their current employer or organization.
Lockout and Tagout Training

OSHA Standard Lockout and Tagout Training
(Control of Hazardous Energy – 29 CFR 1910.147)
This course covers the basics regarding the OSHA Standard (Control of Hazardous Energy – 29 CFR 1910.147). In addition, instructor will demonstrate, direct and evaluate each employee on the proper procedures for equipment lockout and tagout in keeping with the requirements of the regulation and the realities of your specific workplace and equipment types.
Lockout and Tagout Training Course Length
- Approx. 4 hours classroom plus individual practical evaluations for each participant (15 min. each)
Topics Covered Include
- Definitions and terms
- Practical and correct application
- Exceptions and special situations
- Case studies and group exercises
- The required steps to conduct an effective LOTO
- Types and sources of hazardous energy
- Use of lockout and tagout, energy isolating devices (EID’s) & other control methods
A reference book for each participant is provided. Participants will also receive a certificate stating their attendance and completion of the training meeting the requirements for the OSHA Lockout/Tagout Standard 29 CFR 1910.147.
Additional Services: Ask about our program development services. If you currently do not have a written hazardous energy control program, we can develop and implement one that specifically addresses the needs of your particular workplace, equipment and industry.
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