Notice: We do not provide training for individuals that are not directed for training through their current employer or organization.
Why Choose Diamond Training?
Because We Are:
- Experts in Employee Training – this is what we do every day!
- More flexible and accommodating in scheduling training than your in-house staff can be
- More available- we’ve never missed, canceled or no showed in 15 years for any reason (holidays, nights and weekends, included)
- Able to travel to any location, anywhere local or international for you
- Able to deliver consistent and uniform training content, company and site specific and fully able to meet and exceed OSHA, ISO or ANSI standards in all aspects
- Never too sick, too busy or too new to the job to accomplish the training mission for you when you need it done
- Less costly $$ in direct and management opportunity costs -proven and measured in every instance
- Call today and tell us what you need, when you need it done and what additional or different details you need included in the training sessions for your specific requirements.
Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer
The OSHA General Industry Outreach Training provides safety and health training for workers, supervisors, and managers. Diamond Training Services is an authorized outreach trainer for the 10 hour and 30 hour programs.
Consistent Quality and Commitment
Consistency, Uniformity, Value and Dependability are the hallmarks of our training approach.We offer flexible scheduling and we can travel anywhere in the world to help you.
Trying to Develop a Winning Safety Culture?
We’ll help you get there fast!

Highest Training Standards
Our mission is to provide the highest level of professionalism and quality training services possible for our clients when it comes to the safe and correct operation of powered industrial equipment and material handling equipment.