Notice: We do not provide training for individuals that are not directed for training through their current employer or organization.
Corporate Training – Mobile Equipment Safety Training Courses

Master Trainer Session -3 in 1
The Master Trainer Course is the premiere training session that allows you or your representative to earn three trainer certifications in one 4 day session. No other training organization offers this extremely efficient means of becoming the designated trainer for forklift, aerial lift and overhead crane safety training. One of the best features of the package is that it is extremely inexpensive compared to taking each of these three training courses individually.
Course Details
Management Awareness Seminar
The course is designed to give supervisors, lead persons, managers and even HR personnel the basic and fundamental knowledge of their training programs. Attendees will know what is covered in employee training and how to continue that training on the job floor after the initial training is completed.
Course Details
Forklift Operator Safety Training
Classroom and practical hands on training for your employees who operate powered industrial vehicles.Call for quote if multiple vehicle types. Course conforms fully with OSHA CFR 1910.178 and ANSI B.56 for Powered Industrial Truck Training.Wallet cards and wall certificates are included for all attendees that complete the course. Training documents are archived for your convenience and retrieval if needed.
Maximum class size per 8 hour day is 10 employees on one type of forklift.
NOTE: Additional forklift types require additional evaluations and additional training time.
Course Details
Aerial Work Platform Operator Safety Training
Classroom and practical hands on training for employees who operate scissor lifts, boom lifts, articulating boom lifts. Certificates and wallet cards presented to all who complete the course. Fall Arrest awareness is included in this course as related to aerial lifts.
Maximum course size is 10 operators in 8 hour day.
Course Details
Overhead Crane Operator Safety Training
Overhead Bridge, Monorail, Chain Hoist, Pedestal and Wall Pedestal, Gantry Cranes are all covered under this course content. Operators will be instructed on all related OSHA regulations for CFR 1910.179 and .184. Wall and Wallet Certificates will be issued for all who complete the course. Training is conducted at your site and customized to be site-specific as required by OSHA.
Maximum class size is 10 employees in 8 hour session.
Course Details
Mobile Crane Operator Safety Training
This course covers OSHA CFR 1910.180 for mobile cranes. Crawler, locomotive, hydraulic truck, wheel mounted cranes are included in this designation. Course includes classroom and practical hands on evaluations of your employees/operators.
Maximum class size is 10 employees per 8 hour session.
Course Details
Skid Steer Operator Safety Training
New Holland or Bobcat or any other brand of skid steer loader is acceptable. This course is both classroom and practical hands on in keeping with the requirements of CFR 1926 for earth moving equipment. Training is conducted on site for site specific OSHA requirement. Wall certificates and wallet cards are distributed for all attendees who successfully complete this training session.
Maximum class size is 10 employees in 8 hour session.
Course Details
Excavator Operator Training and Certification
OSHA CFR 1926.300 categorizes this equipment as earth moving equipment and training conforms to this regulation and all related consensus standards. Operators are trained both in classroom instruction and evaluated for hands on skills. Safety requirements of both the equipment inspection process and the safe operating procedures are covered in this course.
Maximum course size is 10 employees in 8 hour session.
Course Details
Lock Out Tag Out Training
This course covers classroom instruction as well as hands on inspection and procedure practice with authorized and/or affected employees. Maximum class size is 15 employees in 8 hour session.
OSHA CFR 1910 training requirements in this topic are fully met in this course.
Course Details
Confined Spaces Safety Training
This course covers all required regulation instruction and training content for OSHA CFR 1910.146. Classroom and practical hands on training is included for permit and non-permitted confined spaces. Training is conducted on site only with site specific equipment and simulated confined space.
Maximum class size in 8 hour session is 8 employees to accommodate necessary time requirements for practical evaluations.
Course Details
Fall Arrest and Protection Training
This course covers the required OSHA regulation for General Industry for Fall Arrest employee training. Maximum class size is 15 employees for 8 hour session. Classroom instruction and harness wearing and maintenance training are included. Fully OSHA compliant with CFR 1910.66 Appendix C. Wall certificates and wallet cards are provided for all attendees who complete the course successfully.
Course Details
Competent Person – Fall Arrest and Protection
This course instructs your qualified employee to understand and implement their knowledge and training skills to keep your employees safe while working at heights. The course is both classroom oriented as well as field/practical instruction on fall hazards, fall arrest equipment, elimination of fall hazards and your additional specific facility needs in relation to this topic.
Course Details
Train-the-Trainer Forklift
2-Day course covering regulations and consensus standards required in all Powered Industrial Truck Training. Training new versus experienced operators is also covered along with several non-mandatory concepts that most training programs do not offer but are nonetheless critical to all safe organizations. Attendees need not be expert forklift operators or regular operators but should know most technical aspects of forklift equipment and design.
Course Details
Train-the-Trainer Overhead Crane
Your in-house crane trainer designate will receive the necessary and exceptional information and instruction on how to conduct the most effective crane training possible. OSHA regulations, ANSI and ASME standards are covered along with training scenarios, cases studies and training tactics that will allow your trainer to implement the best quality program possible.
Course Details
Train-the-Trainer Aerial Work Platforms
This course covers all required OSHA and ANSI standard related to scissor lifts, boom lifts, articulating boom lifts with all power sources included. Attendees will be instructed on both presentation of topic content and in how to conduct employee training and hands on evaluations which can be full defended for insurance and/or OSHA audits. This course complies with all specific and General Duty Clause intent for employee safety.
Course Details
Train-the-Trainer Refresher Course
This is a one day, 8 hour session to update your designated trainer of forklift, overhead crane, aerial lift, skid steer or any other TRAINER course taken with our company. This course is not offered for persons that have not had the two day full trainer course from us.
Course Details
OSHA 10 Hour Safety and Health Course for General Industry
OSHA has authorized us to offer this course to companies and organizations interested in delivering basic safety instruction in such topics as Bloodborne Pathogens, Electrical Safety, Machine Guarding, Material Handling and several more. Course length is 1.5 days long as required specifically by OSHA.
Maximum number of attendees is 40 employees. OSHA 10 Hour cards are automatically generated for all attendees who complete the course. Attendees MUST be present for all 10 hours of instruction in order to be recognized as completing this course.
Most employees who try to complete this course with an online source either take much longer than expected or never complete the course. Instructor led sessions will result in 100% completion in almost all cases.
Our group rates for this course are the most competitive available. If you can find a lower per head fee, we willl match it or beat it (all conditions and specific details assumed equal).
Course Details
OSHA 30 Hour Safety and Health Training for General Industry
The OSHA 30 Hour General Industry Outreach Training course is a comprehensive safety training program designed for anyone involved in general industry. Specifically designed for safety directors, foremen, and supervisors; the program provides complete information on OSHA compliance issues. In addition to learning about safety and health hazards in the workplace, students will also learn about OSHA, employer responsibilities, and worker rights.
Most employees who try to complete this course with an online source either take much longer than expected or never complete the course.
Instructor led sessions will result in 100% completion in almost all cases.
Group rates available at an incredibly low per head fee. Call for a free estimate and scheduling details.
Course Details
OSHA 10 Hour Safety and Health Course for the Construction Industry
OSHA has authorized us to offer this course to companies and organizations interested in delivering basic safety instruction in such topics as Walking and Working Surfaces, Fall Protection,Electrical Safety, Silica Dust Hazards and several more. Course length is 1.5 days long as required specifically by OSHA.
Maximum number of attendees is 40 employees. OSHA 10 Hour cards are automatically generated for all attendees who complete the course. Attendees MUST be present for all 10 hours of instruction in order to be recognized as completing this course.
Most employees who try to complete this course with an online source either take much longer than expected or never complete the course.
Instructor led sessions will result in 100% completion in almost all cases.
Our group rates for this course are the most competitive available. If you can find a lower per head fee, we will match it or beat it (all conditions and specific details assumed equal).
Course Details
OSHA 30 Hour Safety and Health Training for the Construction Industry
The OSHA 30 Hour Construction Outreach Training course is a comprehensive safety training program designed for anyone involved in construction. Specifically designed for safety directors, contractors, and site supervisors; the program provides complete information on OSHA compliance issues and focus safety issues related to construction. In addition to learning about safety and health hazards in the workplace, students will also learn about OSHA, employer responsibilities, and worker rights.
Most employees who try to complete this course with an online source either take much longer than expected or never complete the course.
Instructor led sessions will result in 100% completion in almost all cases.
Group rates available at an incredibly low per head fee. Call for a free estimate and scheduling details.
Course Details